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Thank you to everyone who pledged yesterday! We made it to the first stretch goal already, so every single backer will now be getting a little guidebook with their deck! See how this works? It’s awesome and I love you!⁠⁠
This is my Six of Vessels (cups) which was a struggle for me. Traditionally the six is interpreted as like nostalgia, childhood innocence, and things like that.⁠⁠

But not all of us have fond memories from childhood. I still wanted to keep the children thematically in the card, but I tried to create a new situation that doesn’t immediately denote nostalgia. Maybe we need to connect with our inner kid and give them the childhood we didn’t get. Maybe we need to act like kids with our friends. There are probably interpretations that I haven’t yet thought of with this card. ⁠⁠
Knowing that the Vessels/cups is usually associated with emotion, and that it traditionally connotes something about childhood—what does it make you think of? Does it resonate with you today?⁠⁠

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