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I’m done erring and I wanna vom! I got anxious being in there so long masked. Anyway the zine looks great. I printed 20 to start for current patrons. 

I need to sort out some of this idea I keep talking about and plan a membership drive or something.

This zine is the first suit of my tarot deck–wands. But I did decide to rename them all so actually it’s Rods. I’m going to do one zine for each suit. I’ll figure out if major arcana will get that treatment at some point in the future. 

Future zines will be easy now because now I know where everything needs to go regardless of the “measurements” of the “page.”

For real though, this is one of those instances where I should feel great! I made an awesome zine (my first!) and I plan to spend tonight folding and signing. They look great! Why did I feel so completely awful in my entire mind and body when I finished it. Is this something to EMDR about? 

Post Tags: Patreon | tarot | zine