(Originally posted on Kickstarter as a campaign update for Other Worlds Tarot)
We’ve reached our next stretch goal! All decks will now include an additional three oracle cards—the three hidden or extra senses. I have to work on the terms that I’m going to use for these because “Prioproception” (the way we sense our bodies’ position in space) is not the vibe for this deck. However they end up being named, these cards will focus on senses that may have at some point been believed to be “extra sensory.” These hidden senses also provide information about our world and situations and are sources of knowledge that help us understand ourselves and our world.
We’re in the final few days of the campaign so if anyone has been hanging on until the end to secure your deck, now is the time! The campaign ends on Monday, November 28 (my birthday!) at 1 pm (not far from my birth time!).
Today’s card draw is the Decider of Vessels

This card came up in a reading I did for a friend earlier this week so to draw it again is interesting. It helps me to flesh out its interpretation even further.
Deciders replace Kings in Other Worlds (where there are no kings, no monarchs, and none of their entourage). All of the Deciders have a fiery disposition, as one would expect from someone with drive, ambition, and the will to get things done. This may represent a person in your life, or an aspect of yourself to embody.
The Decider of Vessels, as the suit that relates to emotions, may experience some conscious or unconscious conflicts as their fiery passion and drive of their position is tempered or even dampened by the watery emotion of the suit they inhabit.
The challenge of the Decider of Vessels is to learn to harness the power of the two elements together. When one element dominates another, water can drown a fire, or a fire can dissipate water into vapor. But when combined in the correct proportions, fire can make water boil, exciting its nature. Likewise, water applied to fire in the right amount can create steam, a force all of its own.
Does this card resonate with you today?