(Originally posted on Kickstarter as a campaign update for Other Worlds Tarot)
Today I drew the Ten of Vessels. Before I go into detail on that, I want to give y’all an update on the campaign.
I made some changes in terms of achieving the stretch goals—I changed my initial idea of tying stretch goals to the number of decks reserved to the regular way of having it tied to the total amount pledged. It’s just simpler for all of us this way!
What that means for you is that we’ve reached the second stretch goal, so your deck will have at least three oracle cards: Metamorphosis, Door, and Key. We are very close to reaching the next milestone which will be three hidden or extra senses. I’ll reveal them specifically when we reach the goal!
This past Friday, I was invited to be the guest artist at the Ringling College of Art and Design’s Brizdle-Schoenberg Special Collections Center. I gave a short talk to an enthusiastic group and had all of the source collages displayed for a pop-up exhibition. This was part of the programming for the current exhibition at BSSCC, Tarot Visions: Illuminating Decks by Womxn Artists, which is still on view if you live in the Sarasota, FL area. I’m also honored that Other Worlds Tarot will become part of this collection when it is produced. I just continue being surprised and delighted by what this deck is doing out in the world.

Pop-up exhibition of Other Worlds Tarot collages at the Brizdle-Schoenberg Special Collections Center
Ringling College of Art & Design, November 11, 2022
If any of you became backers after attending this, THANK YOU! Also, wasn’t it fun?
We’ve got just under two weeks left in the campaign. Please share this with anyone who you think might like to learn more!
Daily Card Draw: Ten of Vessels
The Ten of Vessels is one of the all-time feel-good cards.

This person stands confidently in their own sovereignty. Their body language signals openness and confidence. They radiate the kind of contentment that comes with self-acceptance. There are ten vases holding rooting plants, another symbol of growth, but in this instance it’s meant to be shared, like when you start a new plant for a friend. Above, a rainbow in an eye in a reflective surface multiplies what is happening below.
As the suit of emotions, the Vessels can dole out some tough love. But the Ten is what happens after all of the earlier lessons of the suit have been metabolized. It represents completion and wholeness in the realm of feelings. I think of this as the visual equivalent of Mr. Rogers’ song “I Like You As You Are.”

You are worthy of love without being anyone different than who you are, which is exactly who you are meant to be. Maybe others accept you as you are but you still struggle with accepting yourself. The Ten of Vessels is a signal to stop trying to change your nature into who you think you should be and start enjoying who you are.