Honeymoon Island State Park
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February 2018 photo roundup
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January 2018 photo roundup
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Sunken Gardens
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Appalachian Trail
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Inspired by the success of other vintage image curators, and with my background in fine arts, I decided to start a little side project called Picurious.
The Changing Face of Shuffleboard
When you live in Florida, the jokes about retirees and shuffleboard are unceasing. St. Petersburg Shuffleboard Club offers a different perspective.
Photography terms and operations
This is based on a worksheet I made for my History of Photography courses to distribute on the first day. It’s important that we as a class have this knowledge bank of terms and processes.
Natural Beauty, National Asset
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Reflections on teaching the history of photography
The task of the photo historian is to ask how do photographs in general help us understand the past—a world we can see but cannot experience?