(Originally posted on Kickstarter as a campaign update for Other Worlds Tarot)
Good evening! Another day, another card draw and…another of the Vessels suit.
The Two of Vessels is often called the “soulmate card” and other decks represent the two figures as a couple. I had trouble finding direction when making this card because I was so hung up on how to represent soulmates.
Eventually, I decided that I wanted the two figures on this card to be one person, interpreting the idea that one’s first and most intimate soulmate is oneself.

The figure on the left is emotive while the one on the right is stoic. On the left, the figure is leaning, unsteady, while the figure on the right balances them. Each figure has a glass base as if they are sculptures. The base for the figure on the left is set on its smallest and least stable end. There is maybe more room for movement when the figure is attached to the base this way, maybe it’s even fun, but it requires constant adjusting and rebalancing and one can never fully rest if they don’t want to topple.
The base for the figure on the right is balanced the opposite way so it gives the figure stability enough to steady the other as it needs. The beach landscape behind and below them creates a halo effect with shadows. They are both included in this projected corona, both are sacred.
These figures aren’t in opposition to each other. They are also not meant to be read as a before and after some life-changing action. Instead I wanted it to speak to the way that we are each our own most powerful ally. Sometimes we need support and don’t find it anywhere except within ourselves. Sometimes the only person we can be completely vulnerable with is ourselves. In those moments we embody both of these figures.
This is our most important relationship and one that must be given attention. Learning to accept your entire self is the most important task we have.