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Bottom half of the Wands suit

by | Jan 19, 2021 | Blog, Patreon | 0 comments

Following on my post last month of the Ace through 5 of wands, here are the 6-10!  First, I want to show you the revised 4 of Wands. In the last post, I said I wanted to replace the adult figure with one whose color temperature better fits the warm tones of the scene. Here’s where I ended up. I also added some lanterns and candles to bring the flame/fire motif into this card. Onward to the Six of Wands Seven of Wands Eight of Wands Nine of Wands Ten of Wands I still have the four court cards (Page, Knight, Queen, King—which are going to be called other things bc I don’t want to keep the feudal power structure in my deck) but I still have to figure out what visual commonalities they will have across the suits. For instance, this may be the basis of a Wands court card (perhaps the Knight—Traveler), but I’m not sure if this is finished or if it needs more visual/interpretive cues.  I’m asking y’all to help me decide which suit to do next–if you haven’t responded to this poll, please do!  xo, Sabrina
Post Tags: tarot


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