This is where I post all of my research-creation and scholarship in progress. I manage the distribution of this content via Patreon. I invite you to become a Patron to support my independent research and creations so I can continue to bring new ideas and thoughts into the world. 

Patron-only Content

In this sidebar you’ll find links to archival posts projects past. I’ve made them available here for Patrons.

In the Works in Progress Photosets, you can see pictures that I take while I’m working on an object. These are especially interesting for cross-stitches and collages.

I also found a few posts from a short-lived and completely anonymous blog that I had in grad school called Virtual Intelligentsia. I didn’t tell anyone about this! Imagine the brand I could have been building! The Noughties were truly a different time.

Coming soon:
The Putt Plug Mini Golf Review Archive is the mini-golf review blog that I wrote from 2008 (?) to 2010.

The HustList is a blog that I had briefly when I was very stressed out about money and feeling stuck in a low-paying job. Whomst among us can relate.


Next community goal

While we’re building the community on Patreon, I will be continuing to read & write my way through the backlog of scholarship that I’ve accumulated AND I’ll be using Patron pledges to actively build the BIPOC section of the Picurious Vintage Photo Collection.