This is where I post all of my research-creation and scholarship in progress. I manage the distribution of this content via Patreon. I invite you to become a Patron to support my independent research and creations so I can continue to bring new ideas and thoughts into the world.
October 2021 insider post
This Insider post is public! A first!
The challenge of the Major Arcana
Creating the major arcana cards is probably going to be my biggest challenge. Out of the 22 cards, 9 of them are absolutely loaded with symbols relating to the abrahamic religious tradition. In the same way that I want to leave out themes of feudalism and binary...
Hung up on the Major Arcana
I've posted some of this before but since I'm doing a membership drive for tarot funding right now, I thought it would be the perfect time to revisit my drafts for the Hanged One.Here’s the card in its most recognizable incarnation from the Colman-Smith deck. Hanged...
First look at the Blades Suit
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Summer 2021 Patron Update!
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Longer update coming soon
Hi everyone! July has knocked me for a loop. My usual patron update will be a long one and it'll be my August update. In the meantime, welcome to new patrons and thank you for being here! If you missed the tarot chat I did live on Instagram during the funding drive...
Tarot chat live replay
This post is public!
Membership Drive starts tomorrow!
This post is public!
May 2021 Insider post!
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Become a Patron to access this post.