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May 2021 Insider post!

by | May 11, 2021 | Blog, Patreon, Works in Progress photosets | 0 comments


Sorry there was no post for April! 

This month’s insider post is almost all tarot updates! 

First, I’ve nearly finished the Cups suit. I made a decision that I am going to use variations on the traditional suits names, so instead of Wands, Cups, Pentacles (or Coins), and Swords, I’m settling on Rods, Vessels, Gold (? the only one I’m not yet positive about), and Blades. So, I’ve nearly finished the Vessels suit!


Here is the 2 of Vessels (??!!??)






Five (interesting to look back at the previous Patron update before I had worked out the top part of this card!)




Seven (one of my favorites!)








I’m showing you these starting with the Two rather than the Ace because I think I don’t have the Ace that I want yet. You may remember these two drafts from early in the year:

The colors in the first one are definitely exactly what I want, but this was made when I hadn’t decided on whether the water element for the scenes was going to be water or ice. The first card is a wall of ice so it feels out of place to me. 

In the second one, I really like the size and scale of the hands and bottle. I also like the visual suggestion that you may only be able to hold so much right now, but that’s an indicator of capacity rather than shortage (wow I think I just taught myself a lesson there). However in the second one, the top doesn’t really read as water to me (even though it is). Also on the whole it’s a darker color scheme than I ended up with throughout the numbered cards.

So I’m going to make a new Ace, then do the Creator, Messenger, Decider, and Traveler cards and that will be another suit done! 

I’m not sure that I ever really made clear that I DO intend to produce a real deck with these! And likely a companion book too. I’ve been researching tarot card printing companies, plotting out a timeline, and working on a membership drive plan to help drive more interest to supporting the project. I’m hoping to do that drive in June (or July at the latest), so you’ll see me writing about that a lot as it begins. As current patrons, you don’t have to do anything to take advantage of the special offers I’ll talk about during the membership drive (unless you desire to increase your support). And you’ll be the first ones to get the preview zine of the Rods suit in the mail (I’ll be doing one of these for each of the suits).

As always, thank you for your continued support and encouragement! This tarot idea is one I came up with on a whim about 2 years ago (as a pie-in-the-sky-for-later-idea) and the more cards I make the more excited I am to have these babies in my hands for actual readings! I’m hoping that within 1 year they’ll be out in the world!



Post Tags: tarot


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