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Wow I had a weirdly super focused but also loopy day. Maybe I have a realistic card-making and deck printing schedule and some merch rewards for patrons and maybe some membership drive goals.

I’ve been working on the Seven and I can’t believe that card has a snake AND a dragon.

This is spooky enough to be the ghost but the scale is too big. 

Oh also I didn’t expect to see this cameo in the same Nat Geo. I know these guys from a meme. 

This guy is going to be my dragon.

And this may be the spooky ghost. The white part of the eyeball is the corona visible during a full solar eclipse. 

The spooky eyeball ghost is maybe a little Eye of Sauron but whatever. I like how it makes me say wtf is that in the same way the original spooky mystery does on the Pixie Smith card. 

And here it is on the background that I finished yesterday. 

I’m laughing so hard, there’s so much going on here! It’s among my new faves though. I’m getting some real Lisa Frank vibes from the colors. 


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